Trackers Hut
Halls CreekRoberta Ave
All year roundContact Details
Halls Creek Visitor Centre
Phone: 08 9168 6262
Cost and Booking
FreeTrackers were regarded as trusties and were often recruited from prisoners , a system that continued till 1975 when they were replaced by Police Aides. However the building was mostly used as a kitchen and laundry.
Trusted prisoners would serve out their sentences at the hut. The building was never popular as a residence for trackers - perhaps because of the uncomfortable living conditions, or because it was too close to work. However, for prisoners , this was a pleasant alternative to being locked up in the cells.
Trusted prisoners had a lot more freedom - they were able to take the rubbish down to the local tip, or buy beef for prisoners' meals at the butchers. Many recall camping on the front verandah, or even outside, on warm nights.